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Archaeologists' Needs in Field Work
We are doing a study of field notes collection and the tools we use in the field, especially digital tools. I want to hear your experiences! Do you like using digital tools, or is it hard-core paper records for you? Do you have to use GPS against your will or should everything be so precise and easy to use?
We would like you to participate in our study concerning digital technology in archaeology. we are trying to find out about what tools archaeologists and archaeological workers need to collect data in the field. We will use the responses we collect from you to build a better version of STRATUM, our digital archaeological field notes tool for use on a tablet or smart phone. We would like to do an interview with YOU!
Your answers will be kept completely confidential and you will remain anonymous.
You will be entered into a draw to win a tablet, and the draw will take place after every 20 participants are interviewed, which means that you will have a 1 in 20 chance of winning! Pretty good!
Your responses will be used to help me design and develop a field notes tool and they may be used in publications, again, completely anonymously.
You can also drop out of the study at any time and your responses will not be used.
Contact us at if you want more info or to express interest in being in the study.
This project has been reviewed by the UNB Research Ethics Board and is on file as REB 2020-018.