A quick introduction to the reasons we created STRATUM.
Our heritage is all around us. It is literally beneath our feet. Every time you repair a road, put up a building, or test on a military base, you need an archaeologist. Our industry takes in $1.2 billion dollars annually and pays about 30,000 archaeologists in Canada, Us, and Europe.
But our discipline is in crisis. Archaeologists are burnt out and our industry is not keeping pace with demand. We face difficult working conditions, backbreaking labour, angry developers, protestors, and poorly designed tools that are not suited to our work. We spend most of our day documenting our work instead of discovering and reporting on our heritage. At night, we spend even more time organizing and digitizing our notes.
ArchaeoSoft has been there. As archaeologists, we’ve said what every archaeologist has said: “There’s gotta be an app for that.” Turns out there isn’t—until now. We’re developing a software with a suite of digital tools for archaeologists to meet our unique requirements. It is informed by archaeological science, extensive Indigenous outreach, partnership with government and private industry, and academic rigor. It is STRATUM. The future of archaeology.